1. How long can I subscribe for?

On the HEBII, you can subscribe for:

  1. 3 months for $35 CDN
  2. 6 months for $55 CDN
  3. 12 months for $100 CDN

On the LIFE Biofeedback system, you can book for one on one sessions for:

  1. 1st session (1 ½ hrs) for $150 CDN
  2. Subsequent sessions (1 hr) for $100 CDN

Initial contact will be over the phone (15 min) and then followup by phone (15 min) at the conclusion of the session.

2. How many times do frequencies get sent in the HEBII?

This depends on the number of clients registered within the program.

  1. If 10 clients – 18 x day
  2. If 20 clients – 9 x day
  3. If 30 clients – 6 x day
  4. If 60 clients (max taken) – 3 x day

3. How does it work?

Each person has a unique thumbprint in the Universe. We gather your name, birthdate, birth time (if known), birth place, and picture. These are uniquely yours, even twins have different birth times and names. The affirmations, prayers, images etc. scroll over your picture as rapidly as the hard drive spins, therefore you, and you alone are receiving those frequencies.

4. Can it work on Animals?

Yes and Environments too, such as a house, or a barn of animals, or a war-torn area of the globe. The frequencies are unique to animals and a longitude and latitude can be added for environments.

5. Can afflictions, prayers or affirmations be customized?

Absolutely. You will be given an opportunity to decide which prayers and corresponding images you resonate with. We can also add your individual affirmations and afflictions if necessary. We have a complete book of individual frequency numbers that have come from very reliable sources.

6. How do I get started?

On the next tab under programs, there will be a form that needs to be filled in completely (even for animals). You must upload an image of you alone or your animal or house. You will then be taken to the payment page. We use Paypal or Zelle in the US. If necessary, this information can be given over the phone.