About Us

Every human thought, emotion, and action has a unique vibrational energy pattern.

Each cell in the body operates at a certain vibrational frequency. An adult human has over 100 trillion cells. Each cell holds over 6 gigabytes of memory.

Together these frequencies form an energy pattern unique to each individual. It is your personal distinctive “thumbprint”, or “address” in the universe.


Linda Henderson DNM, RBT, ROHP, DAc(retired) has been working in the field of Energy Medicine and Nutrition since 1989. She specializes in Biofeedback.

Through the use of advanced technology, we can now send healing frequencies to those 100 trillion cells and help the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies(PEMS) become integrated and balanced – in other words to become One!!

According to the Dalai Lama, a computer hard drive spins just like the ancient prayer wheels of Tibet. Therefore the Harmonic Energetic Balancer program spins out prayers, fractal images, healing frequencies and more onto your unique blueprint/picture that has been added to the database with your permission.

Unlock Your Inner Harmony